True North Campus Ministry
A Ministry of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan

archived events
Spring 2011
Beginning in January, True North will offer weekly and monthly events, along with occasional one time events. You are welcome to join us at any event at any time this semester. Our meetings are designed so that if you need to miss a week or two you will not be lost or behind.
Sometimes coming to a new group by yourself can be a little intimidating, so please feel free to bring a friend, or two! Everyone is welcome!
As new events are scheduled they will be added here, on our calendar and on our Facebook page.
Weekly Meetings begin January 17, 2011
Monday 9 am Bible Study. What does the Bible have to say about the work we do and the way we do it? Meet at the Bitter End Coffee House.
11:30 am Coffee Break: Let’s meet for coffee and conversation about discovering God’s call on your life. No books to read, no “homework” but plenty of thoughtful discussion. Meeting at Ferris Coffee and Nut Riverfront Cafe.
12:30 pm Bible Study. Meets at Ferris Coffee and Nut Riverfront Cafe.
Thursday 8 am Coffee Break Book Group: We will pick our book at the first meeting. Meeting at Ferris Coffee and Nut Riverfront Cafe.
2 pm Bible Study Meeting at the Bitter End Coffee House.
Monthly Events
Friday 8 pm Coffee Break at the Bitter End. Coffee and conversation about discovering God’s call for your life.No books, no homework. Plenty of thoughtful conversation about life and faith.
Meeting January 21, February 18, March 18, April 15
Saturday 9 am Coffee Break, Madcap Coffee
Meeting January 29, February 29, March 26, April 23
Saturdays at Habitat for Humanity normally 8 am to 4 pm at various locations.
February 12, March 12, April 9. Sign up with Nancy.
If you’re interested in participating in True North programs, but none of these meeting times works for you, let Nancy know. We’ll try to work something out. We’re happy to do that, so don’t be shy about asking.
Need Directions?
The Bitter End, 752 Fulton W, map
Ferris Coffee and Nut Riverfront Cafe, 235 Fulton NW, map
Madcap Coffee, 98 Monroe Center NW, map
Fall 2010 Events
December Coffee Break has been cancelled. We will resume Coffee Break in January. If you would like to meet before the semester is over, please let Nancy know. I’d be glad to have a cup of coffee with you.
December Coffee Break: Coffee and Conversation STRESS Ways to manage stress.
Friday December 10, 9 am or 9 pm.
The Bitter End Coffee House (952 West Fulton GR)
As always your are welcome to bring a friend or two.
November Coffee Break
Friday November 12 at 9 am or 9 pm join us at the Bitter End Coffee House (952 West Fulton) for coffee and conversation. This month’s topic “Academic Faithfulness” What does that mean? How can we do that? As always- you are welcome to bring a friend, or two.
October Coffee Break
Friday Oct 8 at 9 am or 9 pm, join us at the Bitter End Coffee House (952 West Fulton) for coffee and conversation. This month’s topic: Has going to college strengthened your faith? Challenged it? Or both? As always, you are welcome to bring a friend, or two.
Faith and Life Lecture:
October 15 and 16 artist, educator, speaker
Steve Prince
will be at Kendall College.
For Kendall Students:
Three printmaking workshops will be offered; 9 am Friday Oct 15, 2 pm Friday Oct 15 and 9 am Sat Oct 16. This is a one of a kind opportunity to work with an award-winning printmaker. This event is free for Kendall College students but space is limited. To register contact Nicole DeKraker at [email protected].
For all Kendall students, faculty and staff at Noon Friday Oct 15, Steve Prince will give a lecture:
The HeART of Christ: New Creation
In this lecture Steve will discuss the power of the arts and faith, and demonstrate through a series of art images how we can express the heart of Christ in a contemporary context. He will share how we can look at the scripture with fresh eyes and utilize this commutable word to teach its truths and guiding principles.
This lecture is co sponsored by True North and Kendall Christian Fellowship.
Lunch will be provided.
For the public:
An evening lecture: Second Line: The Art of Social Justice
In this lecture Steve will discuss the unique funerary tradition of New Orleans. Through the story of the “Dirge and the Second Line” amongst other historical moments he will demonstrate how he symbolically embed those stories in the visual arts to educate, challenge, and openly grapple with societies moral and ethical dilemmas.
If you are an artist, a college student, a person interested in faith, art and social justice you are invited to attend.
Both lectures will be held in room 103 at Kendall College.
For more information contact Nancy, [email protected] or at 616-821-0351.
You can see Steve’s work at or at
Speaker @ Kendall Christian Fellowship
Thursday, Sept 16 at 11:30 am in room 215 artist John Swanson will be speaking about art, faith, and social justice. He has an exhibit of his work at ICCF (920 Cherry St.) through December.
Coffee Break: join True North for conversation. Once a month we’ll meet for conversation on
faith, life, coffee
Friday September 10 @ 8 pm meet at the Bitter End or
Saturday September 11 @ 9 am meet at Ferris Nut and Coffee’s Riverfront Cafe
no agenda, just conversation
Habitat for Humanity Build dates:
Wednesday Sept 29, 9:30 am-4 pm
Thursday Sept 30, 8 am-4 pm
Saturday Oct 9, 8 am -4 pm
Tuesday Oct 19, 8 am-4 pm
Wednesday Oct 20, 9:30-4 pm
Let Nancy know if you are interested. If you need a ride,we can provide one for you. No experience needed, Habitat will teach us what we need to know. If you wish to volunteer for a different day, let Nancy know.
See pictures of the Habitat house at the “Conversation” tab.
GVSU Campus Life Night. Sept 7 we’ll be in the field house on the GVSU campus for Campus Life Night. Stop by and discover our fall events.
Habitat for Humanity Build; Students from GRCC, GVSU and Kendall College are invited to participate in building a Habitat for Humanity house this fall. The project begins August 25 and runs through Nov 10. No prior building experience is necessary, the Habitat folks will teach us what we need to know. Interested? Contact Nancy at [email protected] or at 616-821-0351. Check out our “Conversation” page for more info. We are excited about this project! Bring your friends, many hands make light work!
2010 Events:
Calvin Festival of Faith and Writing Public Events.
You don’t have to be a writer to enjoy these public events, so…. let’s go!
I’m planing on attending the following events and would love meet some True North people at them.
Friday, “Poet and Pastor on Patmos” by Eugene Peterson
The Wiersma Memorial Lecture
10:00 a.m.
Van Noord Arena
tickets: $10; $5 for students
Eugene Peterson is the translator of “The Message” and many other fine books.
Saturday, “The Shadow of My Hand on the Paper: Writing and Living a Life”
Parker Palmer
10:00 a.m.
Van Noord Arena
tickets: $10; $5 for students
Parker Palmer is one of the best writers and thinkers on the subject of how we live our lives faithfully. He has particularly written about teachers and how one’s faith informs one’s teaching.
Saturday, screening of documentary As We Forgive, followed by discussion with filmmaker Laura Waters Hinson
7:00 p.m.
Ladies Literary Club
free; no tickets required
from the website: Could you forgive a person who murdered your family? This is the question faced by the subjects of As We Forgive, a documentary about Rosaria and Chantal—two Rwandan women coming face-to-face with the men who slaughtered their families during the 1994 genocide. The subjects of As We Forgive speak for a nation still wracked by the grief of a genocide that killed one in eight Rwandans in 1994. Overwhelmed by an enormous backlog of court cases, the government has returned over 50,000 genocide perpetrators back to the very communities they helped to destroy. Without the hope of full justice, Rwanda has turned to a new solution: Reconciliation.
But can it be done? Can survivors truly forgive the killers who destroyed their families? Can the government expect this from its people? And can the church, which failed at moral leadership during the genocide, fit into the process of reconciliation today? In As We Forgive, director Laura Waters Hinson and narrator Mia Farrow explore these topics through the lives of four neighbors once caught in opposite tides of a genocidal bloodbath, and their extraordinary journey from death to life through forgiveness.
beginning today, exhibit by Steve McCurry
Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Friday 9 am – 8 pm, Saturday 12-6 pm
Center Art Gallery
free; no tickets required
Some of these events have a fee. If that is obstacle for you, let me know, True North can help. If you need a ride, let me know, I would be glad to pick you up.
Grand Dialogue.
Grand Dialogue in Science and Religion is Saturday, March 20 in Loosemore Auditorium. This year’s speaker, Allan Wallace will be speaking on the topic, “Experience, Reason, and Faith in Science and Religion: A Buddhist Perspective”. After lunch there well be a variety of breakout sessions you may attend. Topics range from math to conciousness to history to computer ethics and much more. You can see all the breakout sessions here. The day’s schedule is here. Registration is free, and you may register here.
Nancy Janisch, the True North ministry coordinator will be at the conference and meeting with students at lunch to discuss the speaker’s remarks in particular and science and religion in general. We hope to see you there!
Responding to Call+Response.
Anyone interested in meeting to talk about how to respond to the movie “Call+Response”? Can we make a difference? What can people in Grand Rapids do?
Or in talking about the ways we integrate our faith with our life- how do we know what we’re here for? How do I serve God in my career and work?
Here are some times we can meet.
Thursday March 11 noon,
Friday, March 12 noon,
Monday March 15 2 pm,
Wednesday March 17 at 6 pm.
Let’s meet at Westminster Presbyterian Church 47 Jefferson, Grand Rapids ( the door off the parking lot) and we’ll go for coffee or lunch and talk.
I’m looking forward to meeting you. If these times don’t work,call or e mail me and we can work something out.
Call and Response movie. February 26 at 7:30 pm in Loosemore Auditorium, Pew Campus GVSU. This movie explores the tragedy of human trafficking. Yes, this is a major problem in our world and in our country. Join us to learn and to discover ways you can respond and help fight modern day slavery. Directions to Loosemore are here. Information about the movie is here.
Correction: Call + Response movie showing will be Feb 26 at 7:30 pm in Loosemore Auditorium, Pew Campus GVSU.
Kendall Students: January 25 is your opportunity to meet with local Christian artists, members of CIVA (Christians in the Visual Arts). We will be meeting at 7 pm in room 103 at Kendall College of Art and Design, 17 Fountain St. NW, Grand Rapids.
All students; Movie Night: January 30 at Celebration Cinema, we’ll see “The Fantastic Mr. Fox” and go for snacks. More details coming soon.
All students and non student friends of True North: February 26 7 pm “Call and Response” movie Loosemore Auditorium, Pew Campus GVSU. This movie explores the tragedy of human slavery in the 21st century. After the movie there will be an opportunity to learn about ways you can respond and help stop human trafficking. Representatives from local anti trafficking groups will be at the movie.
GRCC students: True North is partnering with the GRCC Christian Fellowship ( Intervarsity) to offer book discussion groups. Tuesdays at 11:30 am and 12:45 pm we’ll be reading “Courage and Calling: Embracing Your God- Given Potential” Tuesdays at 2 pm we’ll be reading “Engaging God’s World: A Christian Vision of Faith, Learning, and Living” . True North and the GRCC Christian Fellowship will offer the books at a significant price discount. But don’t let the cost of the books keep you from attending. Talk to Nancy the ministry coordinator, we will work it out.
WOW FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS continues, 6:30 pm for dinner, 7 pm for discussion and fellowship at Westminster Presbyterian Church (47 Jefferson GR). “Finding Our Way”
All College Students are invited to WOW for College Students. beginning January 13, True North will be meeting at Westminster Presbyterian Church (47 Jefferson GR) for dinner at 6:30 pm ( you are our guests) followed by a time of fellowship and discussion at 7 pm. Our topic is “Finding Our Way: The Stories that Guide Us”.
Early Christians referred to themselves as followers of the Way. Each generation must listen to and learn from the stories told by their culture, their faith, and their own lives to find the Way for their times. We will explore the various stories told by society, culture, the church, our families, our personal stories, and Scripture as we week our Way as college students.
All college students are welcome to attend.
Kendall College Students: Monday January 25, the Grand Rapids branch of CIVA (Christians in the Visual Arts) will be meeting with Kendall students. This is an opportunity for students to meet working artists who are Christians. Watch the “Events” page for time and location.
MOVIE NIGHT Nov 14, Saturday, meet at Celebration Cinema at Woodland Mall at 6:10 pm. We will see the 6:25 showing of the movie “Fame”. True North will buy your ticket and some pizza after.
GRCC Students: November 18 at 12:45 pm, Quentin Schultze, author of Here I Am: Now What on Earth Should I Be Doing? will be meeting with students. We will be talking about the ways we live our vocation as Christians in the many stations we find ourselves. Please join us.
GRCC students: True North and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship are offering several small groups for students this semester. True North’s ministry coordinator, Nancy is leading three groups in a discussion of the book “Here I Am: Now What on Earth Should I Be Doing?”. Our discussions focus on our Christian calling and our career and vocation choices. It is not too late to join the conversation.
Tuesday, 12:45 pm to 1:45 pm
Wednesday 11:30 am to 12:30 pm and 12:45 to 1:45
We meet in Room 20 which is at the back of the Student Life Office on the first floor of the Student Center.
Other InterVarsity groups meet Tuesday 11:30 am and 2 pm and Wednesday 2 pm in the same location.
We hope to see you there.
Ice Cream Social. Students, please join True North and Westminster Presbyterian Church Tuesday September 22 from 4- 5:30 pm for an Ice Cream Social. Please feel free to bring your friends and sign up for True North events.
Friends of True North:
If you would like to learn more about the ministry of True North, please come to our Discover True North Campus Ministry Open House on Sept 15 from 4-5:30 pm at Westminster Presbyterian Church. 47 Jefferson in Grand Rapids. We are looking forward to sharing with you about the mission of True North. AND we want to hear from you- what you believe are the needs of Grand Rapids college students.
Tuesday September 8 from 7-9 pm Campus Life Night 2009 True North will be there. Please visit with us to find out more about True North.
2008-2009 events
MOVIE NIGHT: Saturday, April 18, 7 pm: Forest Hills Presbyterian Church, watch “Lars and the Real Girl” with Kendall, GRCC, and GVSU students. Map to church
Kendall College of Art and Design:
March 19 Photographer Katherine McClure will be speaking at the Kendall Christian Fellowship at 11:30 am. Her topic is “From Fashion to Family(a photographer’s journey)”. All Kendall College students are welcome to attend.
To learn more about Katherine McClure and her work visit,
December 2008, January 2009 Kendall Christian Fellowship Art Show at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 47 Jefferson Ave SE, Grand Rapids.
January 25, 2009, 9:40 am Kendall Christian Fellowship students speaking at the Kirk Academy, Westminster Presbyterian Church
November 13, 11:30 am: Artist Rick Beerhorst, speaking at Kendall Christian Fellowship on “Making Art as a Spiritual Portal”.
Grand Rapids Community College:
Speaker: Wednesday April 15 from 3-4 pm meet author Quentin Schultze, room 20 Student Center.
Come meet the author of Here I Am as we talk about the book and the ways God is at work in our lives.
Update: Here I Am book discussion group continues to meet. New members are welcome.
Feb 11,2009 3-4 pm Discussion Group Here I Am: Now What on Earth Should I Be Doing. Meets in Room 20 of the Student Center. This group will meet for 8 weeks to discuss the ways we discover what God is calling us to do. Please join us and bring a friend.
December 8, 5:30 pm Teaching- Faithful Work Discussion. Come and discuss the profession of teaching with two Christian teachers. Meet in front of room 20 SCC, Student Center at back of Student Life office.
November 18 The Ordinary Radicals, movie and director talk back.
5 pm Pot Luck Dinner, Westminster Presbyterian Church.
7 pm ATC auditorium, GRCC
Maps to Westminster, and ATC building.
Faithful Work discussion groups forming now. This is your opportunity as a student to meet and talk with a Christian professional in your future career. Contact [email protected] to sign up or for more information.
Grand Valley State University, Pew Campus:
New Faculty Staff Reception: April 6, Room 302C at DeVos Center, Pew Campus from 4-5 pm. True North will host a reception for GVSU faculty and staff who are interested in learning more about the ministry of True North.
archived events
Calvin DeWitt
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Events 2011/2012